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Enredador sirènid


Merfolk tend to use a combination of both nets and clubs in fishing; nets to collect the fish, and clubs to finish the kill. Both of these tools have seen adaptation for warfare, and are valuable enough that auxilliaries who specialize in using them are deliberately brought to battle.

Mermen often find themselves in a standoff with land-based enemies; the merfolk are too strong in the water, and are too weak to make any offense on land. Nets are a key bit of leverage; without nets, mermen can’t give any effective chase over land, and are at a great disadvantage in hand-to-hand combat.

Notes especials: Aquesta unitat es capaç d'alentir els seus enemics, dividint per dos el seu moviment i dany causat fins que acaben un torn.


Avança de: Llançador de xarxes sirènid
Avança a:
Cost: 46
HP: 55
Moviment: 7
XP: 150
Level: 3
Alineació: legal
IDMerman Entangler

Atacs (damage - count)

8 - 3
8 - 3


(icon) talla0% (icon) perfora0%
(icon) impacta0% (icon) foc0%
(icon) fred20% (icon) arcà0%


Cost del moviment
(icon) Aigua baixa160%
(icon) Bosc530%
(icon) Boscatge de bolets320%
(icon) Castell140%
(icon) Cova320%
(icon) Deep Water150%
(icon) Escull costaner270%
(icon) Gelat230%
(icon) Impracticable-0%
(icon) Llogaret140%
(icon) Muntanyes-0%
(icon) Pantà160%
(icon) Plana230%
(icon) Sorra230%
(icon) Turons530%